Welcome to Missions

Wel­come to Mis­sions! Shad­ow Moun­tain sup­ports just under two hun­dred mis­sion­ar­ies who serve the Lord in 35 coun­tries in vast­ly dis­tinct cul­tures and with var­ied roles. For exam­ple, our mis­sion­ar­ies use avi­a­tion, Bible trans­la­tion, church plant­i­ng, edu­ca­tion, ESL, media, support/​mem­ber care, and youth min­istry to reach hearts for Christ. 

Border Bound Mexico

Over 3 ½ million Hispanics live in the combined areas of San Diego County and Northern Baja California. Border Ministry serves on both sides of the border, facilitating the evangelism of the lost and the growth of Hispanic Churches. God has given us an enthusiasm to reach Hispanics with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Alongside Hispanic believers, we help new Hispanic churches as they grow. We also encourage local pastors and leaders through mobilization and training. In addition, Border Ministry assists local Hispanic churches to develop their outreach ministries using evangelism, children's programs, gardening, and construction. We value your prayers, and also appreciate your participation when you are able to serve with us in Mexico.

Global Teams

Glob­al Teams part­ner with Shad­ow Moun­tain mis­sion­ar­ies on short-term mis­sion trips to assist them in min­istry projects. Each trip is unique, focus­ing on dif­fer­ent des­ti­na­tions, cul­tures, and types of min­istry includ­ing evan­ge­lism, med­ical, con­struc­tion, lead­er­ship devel­op­ment, and chil­dren and youth ministry.

Global Connect

Global Connect creates opportunities for Shadow Mountain women to meet and pray with our women missionaries all over the world through monthly Zoom meetings. Our Global Connect meetings include missionaries in Albania, Thailand, Africa, and more. This gives our missionaries a chance to give an update on what is going on in their lives and receive prayer from our church community. It’s a wonderful way to connect with our missionaries and learn about what God is doing in their ministries!

  • Day, Time: Sunday, 9:00 am - 10:30 am
  • Location: El Cajon - Campus

Sign Language Interpreting

Shad­ow Moun­tain pro­vides week­ly inter­pret­ing for the Deaf dur­ing our 9:00 a.m. Sun­day ser­vice. Inter­pret­ing may also be avail­able upon request for oth­er SMCC- relat­ed events